Vol. 23 No. 2 (2017): METALLA

					View Vol. 23 No. 2 (2017): METALLA

The contribution of Güder, Gates and Yalçın investigates iron smithing technology through metallography and slag analysis from the Iron Age period at Kinet Höyük, Turkey. 

Recent research on the geology of the copper deposit and archaeological connections to key Bronze and Iron-Age settlements and workshops in central Iran are presented in the contribution of Nezafati and Stöllner.

The contribution of Parjanadze and Bode investigates these silver objects and other Roman period silver from Georgia through elemental and lead isotope analysis.

The contribution of Pearce reviews the evidence of the earliest use of metals and metallurgy from settlements and tombs on sardinia, renowned for its rich copper and silver resources.

Published: 2023-07-27